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APIEpicCompositeVisitor<(Of <(<'TResult>)>)>..::..VisitorBaseContinueVisit<(Of <<'(TExpression>)>>)(TExpression, IVisitContext)

ContinueVisit<(Of <(<'TExpression>)>)> Method (target, context)
Continues the visit of an TExpression created (or at least already visited) by the current visitor. The expression provided will be given to the next appropriate visitor in the composition (when this exists).

Assembly: Epic.Prelude

Declaration Syntax
protected TResult ContinueVisit<TExpression>(
	TExpression target,
	IVisitContext context
where TExpression : class
Generic Template Parameters
The type of the object to visit.
target (TExpression)
Object to visit.
context (IVisitContext)
Context of the visit.
Return Value
The TResult generated from the visit of the expression.
ArgumentNullExceptiontarget or context is nullNothingnullptr.
InvalidOperationException No registered visitor is able to visit target.
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