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APIEpic.Query.ObjectSearchableIdentify<(Of <<'(TEntity, TIdentity>)>>)(ISearch<(Of <<'(TEntity, TIdentity>)>>))

Identify<(Of <(<'TEntity, TIdentity>)>)> Method (search)
Evaluate the deferred search, returning the identities of the results.

Assembly: Epic.Query.Object

Declaration Syntax
public static IEnumerable<TIdentity> Identify<TEntity, TIdentity>(
	this ISearch<TEntity, TIdentity> search
where TEntity : class
where TIdentity : Object, IEquatable<TIdentity>
Generic Template Parameters
Type of the searched entities.
Type of the identity of TEntitys
search (ISearch<(Of <(<'TEntity, TIdentity>)>)>)
A search for TEntity.
Return Value
An enumerable of the TIdentity resulting from the search.
Usage Note
In Visual Basic and C#, you can call this method as an instance method on any object of type ISearch<(Of <(<'TEntity, TIdentity>)>)>. When you use instance method syntax to call this method, omit the first parameter.
ArgumentNullExceptionsearch is nullNothingnullptr.
DeferredEvaluationException<(Of <(<'TResult>)>)>The deferred evaluation failed.
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