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APIEpic.OrganizationWorkingSessionBaseLeave<(Of <<'(TRole>)>>)(TRole%)

Leave<(Of <(<'TRole>)>)> Method (role)
Leave the specified role. After calling this method, your role will be disposed and the reference to role will be set to nullNothingnullptr.

Assembly: Epic.Core

Declaration Syntax
public void Leave<TRole>(
	ref TRole role
where TRole : class
Generic Template Parameters
The type of the role to leave.
role (TRole%)
User's role to be disposed.

The role will be disposed when the number of call to Achieve<(Of <<'(TRole>)>>)(TRole%) will be balanced with the calls to this method.

In other world you must leave the achieved roles exactly the same number of times you achieved each one.

ArgumentNullExceptionThe role is nullNothingnullptr.
ArgumentExceptionThe role is unknown to the session.
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