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APIEpic.EnvironmentEnvironmentChainLinkBaseTryGet<(Of <<'(TObject>)>>)(InstanceName<(Of <<'(TObject>)>>), TObject%)

TryGet<(Of <(<'TObject>)>)> Method (name, information)
Try to gets the information associated with the specified name.

Assembly: Epic.Core

Declaration Syntax
public abstract bool TryGet<TObject>(
	InstanceName<TObject> name,
	out TObject information
Generic Template Parameters

[Missing <typeparam name="TObject"/> documentation for "M:Epic.Environment.EnvironmentChainLinkBase.TryGet``1(Epic.InstanceName{``0},``0@)"]

name (InstanceName<(Of <(<'TObject>)>)>)
An identifier for the needed object.
information (TObject%)
When this method returns, contains the information associated with the specified key, if the key is found; otherwise, the default value for the type of the value parameter. This parameter is passed uninitialized.
Return Value
trueTruetrue if the chain link knows how to provide the required information, falseFalsefalse otherwise.
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